Take Control of Your Vertigo
LIVE Real-Time guidance for BPPV
2024 Clinical Study:
Enhancing BPPV Treatment Outcomes
“Conclusion: Incorporating the DizzyFIX Training Device with the Epley Maneuver significantly improves the management of BPPV, evidenced by faster symptom resolution, enhanced patient satisfaction, and reduced symptom recurrence. These findings underscore the value of integrating real-time visual feedback technologies in vestibular rehabilitation, promising better patient outcomes, and advancing the quality of care in BPPV treatment.”
BPPV is the most common type of vertigo in the world.
The dizziness is caused by free-floating crystals (otoconia) in the inner ear.
#1 Doctor Recommended solution is an exercise
Called the particle repositioning maneuver (or Epley Maneuver). This is typically done in an office or clinic using a series of special head and body positions that guide the loose, vertigo causing crystals out of the inner ear and into non-reactive areas.
DizzyFIX allows you to do the same exercise at home … anytime
Invented by Otolaryngologist, Matthew Bromwich MD, the DizzyFIX is a wearable, visual guidance tool that has been clinically proven to teach anyone how to perform the Particle Repositioning Maneuver, at home, with the same results as having it done in the office or clinic by a professional.
The DizzyFIX ensures you do it right!
The wearable DizzyFIX provides real-time visual feedback utilizing our clinically proven and patented floating ball design. The ball moves when you’re in the correct position, taking you through the Epley Maneuver in real-time.
If you aren’t in the correct positions, and if you don’t hold those positions for the proper length of time, then you are just wasting your time.
The DizzyFIX overview
Watch to see how the DizzyFIX guides you through the Particle Repositioning Maneuver
Meet Dr. Bromwich
Learn more as Dr. Bromwich provides some insight into the DizzyFIX Exercise Trainer
Dr. Cliff talks BPPV and the DizzyFIX
“My vertigo is under control and I am able to carry on normally with my life”
“In the past 3 years, I have been to every specialist imaginable to determine the cause of my vertigo. CT scans, blood work,etc. Physical therapy for the Epley. Nothing has worked until I came across your miracle hat. Thank you so much.”
- E. Lawrence
“As a busy physician myself, I had been experiencing BPPV for the last several weeks, and I decided to try DizzyFix, and I attest that it worked great for me! Thanks, doc, for this great tool to guide us properly through the Epley maneuver!”
— T. Chai, MD
“I have used this for years for my BPPV issues. I have even taken it with me on travels. It really works!”
“We are living proof that this does work since buying it 5 years ago.”
“This is a life changing device. I love this and so happy they made a new version. If you suffer from bppv and know how hard and debilitating it can be - this will change your life! Thank you!!!”
— KIM D.
“I too, can’t say enough good things about this device. It works! I paid $150 for it about ten years ago and it was worth every penny. It now costs only about $60 and has been updated. I also see that it is USA made.”
“Was diagnosed with BPPV 2 years ago but never seemed to do the Epley maneuver right during an attack. This cap really helps to guide me through the process in the correct manner. My 13 year old grandson was just diagnosed with it also and I sent him the cap.”
“This thing is amazing. I been troubled with vertigo for a year after a bad concussion. Went to DR. couple times and he was about to send me to Cleveland Clinic when I read about this maneuver. Felt better after the 1st use. Did the affected side a couple times. Feel like a different person!”
“I can’t believe how much better I feel after one use! I have been walking around in a dizzy state for so long, I forgot what it’s like to have a clear head! My ENT even prescribed vestibular therapy for my vertigo which made me nauseous & uncomfortable. But your DizzyFix truly helped me after one use. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
- Lu A.