What is the DizzyFIX?
DizzyFIX makes the Epley Maneuver Easy!
01 — What is BPPV?
The most common cause of dizziness related to the ear is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is caused by normal inner ear crystals (otoconia) that become dislodged and collect in one of the balance canals. When a person moves their head in certain ways this collection of crystals causes abnormal fluid waves in the inner ear. The brain interprets this as spinning or vertigo.
Symptoms of BPPV
Spinning dizziness
Lasts seconds to minutes
Only happens when you move
02 — What is the DizzyFIX?
The DizzyFiX is the only clinical proven, wearable device that provides real-time visual feedback to make sure you are doing the Epley maneuver the right way.
The DizzyFIX is a wearable guidance tool for the Particle Repositioning Maneuver. It consists of a specially shaped fluid-filled tube, mounted onto a hat, which contains a brightly colored particle. The tube, fluid and particle are designed to simulate the otoconia (crystals) found in the inner ear and the object is to move the DizzyFIX particle from one end of the tube to the other. It works for both right side and left side BPPV.
03 — The DizzyFIX for home and clinic use.
The DizzyFIX guides individuals with BPPV through a series of special head and body positions that ultimately guide loose, vertigo causing particles out of the inner ear and into non-reactive areas. This is called the particle repositioning maneuver or the Epley Maneuver and the DizzyFIX works like a visual set of instructions for the maneuver.
In order to successfully move the DizzyFIX particle through the device from one end to the other, a correct Epley Maneuver must be performed.
The DizzyFIX is an effective and intuitive training device that visually assists anybody in completing a particle repositioning maneuver with the same success rate as having it done in a clinic or office. That success rate is 80-90%
04 — What is the clinical evidence?
Seven clinical trials have been conducted regarding the DizzyFIX trainer. The concept of a head-worn visual feedback trainer has been clinically proven. These seven studies have found the DizzyFIX trainer to be safe, simple to use, reliable and effective.
Study Link - Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2010;136(7):682-685.
Study Link - J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2008 Jun;37(3):380-7.
Study Link - J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. .2008. Aug,139(2):P58-P59
Study Link - Expert Rev Med Devices. 2010 Sep;7(5):605-9.
Study Link - Research in Vestibular Science. 2013; 12(3): 99-105
Study Link - Current Drug Therapy (2020) 15: 1
Study Link - Kumar, S., Singh, R., Dutta, A. et al. Enhancing BPPV Treatment Outcomes: A Comparative Study of the Epley Maneuver with and without the Dizzy-Fix Training Device. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2024).
So give it a try - you have 30 days to return the DizzyFIX - what have you got to lose? (Besides your VERTIGO!!)